Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lake Pals

Since Jake & Karli are in Lake Powell this week and I'm not, I decided that the next best thing to being there was to look through old photographs from some of our past trips and reminisce. So this post is me reminiscing...out loud:) Oh and for a good laugh, click on the pictures to make them bigger...you have got to see some of these facial expressions close up....HILARIOUS! My personal favs are #7 (funny) #12 & 13 (cute:)
Ashley & Tanner vs the Lake
Summer 2006

"This is going to be easy"

big wave...

"no problem"

"lean to the left"

"we made it"

"ah O"

"hang on"

there she goes

there he goes!

Tanner & Ashley ready for round two
... acting all smug and stuff

"ha ha ha, we got em this time"

"bring it on"

"we are the champions"

see... what did I tell ya...acting all smug & stuff

"watch out"

"we can do this"

"don't let go"

"oh nooooooo"
"not again!"


Linda :) said...

I am missing lake powell this year really bad!! and these pictures put me over the top! : ( good times!!!!

Holly said...

Wow! I've always heard how pretty Lake Powell was... those pictures look awesome! I really need to talk Tyler into going there one year.

Tanner Winnie said...

I love this! I miss Lake Powell SOOO much! What a blast! Summer is not a true Summer unless you go to Powell!

Ashley said...

Awesome post mom! I remember that trip so well, I miss Lake Powell so much. Lets leave right now Tanner!