Friday, November 7, 2008

Room with a view

Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through
the mountains, a torch flung to the trees.~ Faith Baldwin

Autumn, the year's last, lovliest smile. ~ William Bryant
Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering
from the Autumn tree.~ Emily Bronte

For several enchanting weeks this fiery
Autumn tree danced outside my window.
Each day her lively performance
more charming than the last

Then overnight she was gone
Silently slipping back stage, trading her glamorous
dress for a woolen scarf.. gracefully rehearsing
her encore for Winter's grand performance.
~ Lisa Davies ~


Holly said...

I'm so jealous of your backyard! So pretty.

Justin said...

Holy crap Mom! Did you really write that?


Linda :) said...

ha ha Im a little bugged she ended her fall performance early! its bad enough we have to see Christmas in the stores before Halloween, but to have your own little personal backyard ballet performance join in on the commercialized madness? That does it!!!!

Austin and Abrielle said...

I agree with Justin that was great.

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David Winnie said...

I can't wait for your description of the white fluffy snow flakes fluttering towards the frost on your window pane.

Lisa said...

Yes Justin....yes I did:)

Oh and Linda your comment cracked me up! You just earned VIP tickets...sofa far left side (best seats in the house)for next years stunning show stopper. Guaranteed to be bigger and brighter, exceeding this year's captivating performance!

Amazed said...

absolutely beautiful!

And didn't Justin's remark sound very "Batman/Robinish?"

Patrick Davies said...

Very nice Lisa. How come you didn't tell me you were a poet. Sorry I didn't noticed earlier, but what else is new :)