Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday my blog

She's one year old today:D

Here's how it all began
Jake Justin Patrick Lisa Karli Ashley

Well I finally got around to posting my first blog entry! I decided about a month ago to do this and it has taken me this long to get around to it. I was searching for a family picture to put on here and came across this one. It is about a year and a half old so I guess it's time for a new family photo shoot. Those are always fun aren't they? I have to admit they are much easier now that my kids are grown up. No more moaning and groaning and whining and crying.... Oh wait I still have Pat to deal with!

We still haven't got around to that new family photo shoot...too busy blogging I guess;D


Karli said...

woo! happy birthday to your blog!
I was going to do a bday post for my blog too, but that was in march and i forgot all about it!

Amazed said...

I love your blog. I wish you'd write more. I'm so glad you're all "almost" well....