D & C 5: 01-09
(Davies & College)
"And there is light at the end of the (College) tunnel!"
"And there is light at the end of the (College) tunnel!"
This Friday May 1st 2009 Justin and Ashley will be UVU graduates Class of 2009! Woo Hoo! Justin with a Degree in Political Science and Ashley with a Degree in Accounting. A lot of people are probably thinking "well it's about time!" and I must admit that I am one of those people, but I also want to be the first to congratulate these two on their hard work, dedication and determination. College life isn't all fun and games (well at least not for Ashley:) and it definitely takes a lot of stamina and perseverance, but now that it is over I think they will both agree that it was well worth the effort.
I know that I harassed them from time to time for taking so long, but in all fairness they had to work a lot of hours to achieve this accomplishment and I'm sure it was much harder than it looked. Here's why....
Ashley paid for every semester of school except for one... all of her books...two years of living expenses (the two years she lived away) including her 1st and last months rent upfront & cleaning deposits! (not to mention... paying for all of her personal expenses like.. car... gas... phone...hair...etc!
Justin also paid for six years of living expenses including all of the necessary deposits.... his own books and every semester except the first year and a half after his mission...(we helped with those since he came home from Denmark flat broke:) Also his personal expenses, gas.... food... clothes... food.... dates... food:)! Justin also got involved in Student Government and received scholarships which helped him out financially. He was Chief Justice in 2006/2007 and Student Body VP 2007/2008....Go Wolverines!!
Sorry for the bragging, but I think I'm entitled for two reasons..... I'm a Mother and a Blogger! ha ha ha:D I guess what I'm really trying to say is ....I love you both and I'm very very proud!
Congratulations Justin & Ashley....YOU DID IT!
Justin's sisters helping him with his campaign
Decking the halls
and the windows:D
Sister Support
Making delicious Cinnamon Almonds
for rush week...I think we made a million batches:D
Hundreds of cones for the almonds...mmmmm
Justin speaking at the bill signing event/party with Governer Hunstman & President Monson when UVSC became UVU! Justin spent a lot of time on Capital Hill lobbying for this, so it was very exciting when it finally happened and was one of the coolest things that I have ever been to. I am still mad at myself for not checking Jake and Karli out of School for it:(
Here is the ballroom where the event was held. There is another room behind this one for the overflow of people that stood and watched. It is also where they served pizza and cake before it began. The balloons attached to the ceiling came floating down as the bill was signed while the band played along....so cool!
This is a shot of Justin speaking with the big screen above his head. He gave such a great speech that was full of wolverine pride and the students let out a big cheer when he was done:D
If you look closely you can see the President of UVU, Governor Huntsmen, and a smiling President Monson all looking at Justin as he gives his speech. I'm telling ya....nerves of steel that kid N E R V E S O F S T E E L !
Justin & Joseph presenting President Monson with his very own UVU Tee shirt. (He liked Justin's tie:)
When UVU had a contest to name the student section Justin entered it using an alias name (so the committee wouldn't know it was him) and he won!! It will be forever called....
(Mighty Athletic Wolverine League)
Cool name don't ya think?
Arriving early to the game when they
unveild the new name
unveild the new name
Go Wolverines!
Thanks Justin & Ashley it's been a lot of fun
...but I'm glad you're done!
Thanks Justin & Ashley it's been a lot of fun
...but I'm glad you're done!